Microbiological analysis of food
It is expected that the food we eat is safe.
Croatian Food Act (NN 46/07) defines requirements related to the …
Soil analysis and plant analysis
Soil analysis
- NN 20/2018; Law on Agricultural Land- NN 47/2019; Ordinance on the methodology for monitoring the condition of …
Analysis of water for human consumption
Today water can contain many toxic products of human civilization.
More than 800 impurities in the water have already been …
Wastewater and sludge analysis
- NN 66/19; Water Act- NN 26/2020; Ordinance on limit values for wastewater emissions- NN 3/2020; Ordinance on special conditions …
Microbiological cleanliness analysis
Control of microbiological cleanliness of the object - taking swabs
The microbiological cleanliness of food handling facilities in terms of …
Analysis of contaminants
"Contaminant" denotes any substance which is not intentionally added to food and which is present in that food as a …
Analysis of wine vinegar and spirits
Why analyze something we consume on a daily basis?
Fans of a good drink know what they like and what …
Cosmetics Analysis
Generally about cosmetics
In our daily lives, everyone uses a certain number of cosmetic products, whether we just want to …
Control and preparation of declarations
Declaration control
If a suit is a mirror of a man, then the declaration is a mirror of a food …
Determining nutritional value of products
Determining nutritional value of products
According to EU Regulation no. 1169/2011 on informing consumers about food, it is mandatory to …
Analysis of product shelf life
Determining product shelf life - challenge tests
There are increasing requirements regarding the length of the shelf life and the …
Analysis of organic fertilizers
Organic fertilizers and soil conditioners
According to the Law on Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners, certain terms have the following meaning: …
Education and preparation of documentation for HACCP, GMP and IFS
Businesses that deal in food are obliged to establish a system of self-control HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) in …
Irrigation water analysis
Importance of water in plant production
- NN 120/12, 118/18, 42/20; Technological instructions for integrated production of field crops issued …
Analysis of substrates of biogas plants
- silage, fermenter substrate, digestate, starch water, manure, slurry, brewer's yeast
According to the Ordinance on the protection of agricultural …