Analysis of organic fertilizers
Organic fertilizers and soil conditioners
According to the Law on Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners, certain terms have the following meaning:
Fertilizers are substances whose main purpose is plant nutrition,
Organic fertilizers are organic substances of mainly plant and / or animal origin, which are added to the soil with the basic purpose of plant nutrition,
Soil conditioners are substances added to the soil with the basic purpose of improving the physical and / or chemical properties and / or biological activity of the soil.
According to the Ordinance on the protection of agricultural land from pollution:
According to the special regulation governing the status of by-products and waste status, Compost is an organic fertilizer and soil conditioner that meets the requirements for a particular purpose and is collected separately at the place of origin and does not include waste generated by separation of mixed municipal waste, which is produced by controlled biooxidative decomposition of different mixtures composed primarily of different plant residues, sometimes mixed with organic fertilizers and / or animal residues, and containing limited amounts of minerals.
According to the special regulation governing the status of by-products and the abolition of waste status, Anaerobic digestate is an organic fertilizer and soil conditioner produced by anaerobic digestion of waste and collected separately at the place of origin and does not include waste generated by disposing of mixed municipal waste.
A rulebook for the methodology of testing organic fertilizers is currently being drafted by the Ministry of Agriculture.
Current legislation:
- NN 81/13; Law on the implementation of Regulation (EC) no. 2003/2003 on fertilizers
- NN 163/03, 40/07, 81/13, 14/14, 32/19 Law on Fertilizers and Soil Improvers
- NN 99/10, 80/07 Ordinance on the conditions to be met by authorized laboratories for testing the quality of fertilizers and soil improvers
- NN 71/2019 Ordinance on the protection of agricultural land from pollution
Parameters of testing organic fertilizers and soil improvers that we conduct:
- Moisture,
- pH value,
- EC - soluble salts,
- Organic matter or organic carbon,
- Ash,
- Total phosphorus (P2O5),
- Total potassium (K2O),
- Total nitrogen according to Kjeldahl,
- Heavy metals: Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn, Mo, As and Co. Heavy metals are defined according to the Ordinance on the protection of agricultural land from pollution NN 71/2019