Analysis of water for human consumption

Today water can contain many toxic products of human civilization.
More than 800 impurities in the water have already been identified, and the number is still growing.
What is water for human consumption?
In terms of the Water for Human Consumption Act (NN 56/13; 64/15; 104/17)
1. Water intended for human consumption is:
a) all water in its original state or after treatment intended for drinking, cooking, food preparation or other household needs, regardless of its origin and regardless of whether it originates from the public water supply system, from cisterns or from bottles or water containers,
b) all water used in food-producing industries for the production, processing, preservation or placing on the market of products or substances intended for human consumption, unless the competent authority determines that the quality of the water cannot affect the health of the food in its final form.
The Ordinance on compliance parameters, analysis methods, monitoring and water safety plans for human consumption and the manner of keeping the register of legal entities performing public water supply activities (NN 125/17) determines the following parameters of analysis:
- Aerobic mesophilic bacteria at 37 ° C
- Aerobic mesophilic bacteria at 22 ° C
- Escherichia coli
- Total coliforms
- Intestinal enterococci
- Clostridium perfringens
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Color
- Smell
- Flavor
- Temperature
- Turbidity
- pH value
- Chlorides
- Ammonium
- Nitrates
- Nitrites
- Iron
- Consumption of KMnO4
- Conductivity
Businesses that deal with food that must have an established HACCP system must also have a self-monitoring system for water in accordance with the applicable Ordinance (NN 125/17). The purpose of testing water according to the parameters from group A is to obtain basic data on sensory, physical, chemical and microbiological quality of drinking water and packaging water, and data on the efficiency of drinking water treatment (especially disinfection), where it is carried out. The frequency of water sampling at Business that deal with food in accordance with the parameters from group A is determined according to the number of points on the distribution network of the facility or the amount of water consumed per day and is carried out at least once a year.
Why would it be good to periodically control the water in your own distribution system?
Due to possible damage to pipelines during construction works and modifications, due to the age of the facility and corrosion of installations, due to poorly installed plumbing installations and because the installations inside the facility are not controlled by a monitoring program, which controls water only at the source and certain points of public consumption. Microbiological and chemical indicators that deviate beyond the permissible values, indicate some form of damage to the plumbing.
Labosan Laboratory can perform water analysis on microbiological and chemical parameters for you. This sampling is carried out in a simple way - a laboratory employee arrives on a pre-arranged time, samples the water and takes it to the laboratory for analysis. The report with interpretation of the results arrives at your home address!
Parameters, types and scope of analysis of water for human consumption for the purpose of testing its safety in buildings before issuing a use permit for the minimum technical requirements - MTR
- For the purposes of technical inspection of the building in order to issue a use permit, the analysis of water for human consumption is performed
- Samples are taken in residential buildings and residential parts of residential and commercial buildings by taking samples in 50% of apartments (cca one sample per apartment), evenly distributed on the floors of the building.
- During the technical inspection of a building or part of a building intended for the production, processing, preparation, serving and trade of food and articles of general use, samples shall be taken from at least 25% of the outflow points at the point of consumption to verify compliance
- During the technical inspection of the building or part of the building intended for accommodation (except for apartments), samples are taken from 25% of accommodation units (one sample in the accommodation unit) which are evenly distributed on the floors of the building
- During the technical inspection of other buildings of public health interest, samples are taken from 25% of the outflow points evenly distributed throughout the building.
- Samples of water for human consumption must be taken by a laboratory professional
The analysis of water samples for MTR is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance on compliance parameters, analysis methods, monitoring and water safety plans for human consumption and the manner of keeping the register of legal entities performing public water supply (NN 125/17). It obliges legal entities which supply water for human consumption, legal and natural persons which use water for human consumption in the production or preparation of food or items of general use.
The Ordinance takes over the EU provisions:
- Council Directive 1998/83 / EC of November 3rd 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption (SL L 330, 5.12.1998)
- Council Directive 2013/51 / Euratom of October 22nd 2013 laying down requirements for the protection of the health of the general public with regard to radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption (SL L 296, 7.11.2013) and
- Commission Directive (EU) 2015/1787 of October 6th 2015 amending Annex II and III. Council Directive 98/83 / EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption (SL L 260, 7.10.2015).
What are swimming pool water and filling water?
Swimming pool water is water in swimming, bathing and medical rehabilitation pools, and filling water is the water used for the first filling and refilling of the pool.
Sanitary and technical conditions of swimming pools and safety of swimming pool water are prescribed in the Ordinance on sanitary and hygienic conditions of swimming pool baths and on the health safety of swimming pool waters (NN 107/2012).
The parameters that are determined in the swimming pool water prescribed by this ordinance are:
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Escherichia coli
- Legionella pneumophila
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Total number of bacteria at 37 ° C
- Color
- Turbidity
- pH value
- Electrical conductivity
- Oxidativeness
- Free chlorine
- Trihalomethanes
- Chlorine dioxide
- HRN ISO 5667-5 Instructions for sampling drinking water from treatment plants and pipeline supply systems
- HRN EN ISO 19458 Water quality - Sampling for microbiological analysis
- Water quality - Sampling - Guidelines for waste water sampling
- HRN EN ISO 6222 Water quality - Number of colonies by inoculation on nutrient agar
- HRN EN ISO 9308 Water quality - Counting of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria
- HRN EN ISO 7899 Water quality - Detection and counting of intestinal enterococci
- HRN EN ISO 16266 Water quality - Detection and counting of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- HRN EN ISO 14189 Water quality - Counting of Clostridium perfringens
- HRN EN ISO 11731 Water quality - Detection and counting of Legionella
- HRN EN ISO 19250 Water quality - Detection of species of the genus Salmonella