Control and preparation of declarations

Declaration control
If a suit is a mirror of a man, then the declaration is a mirror of a food product. A properly written declaration contains all the necessary product information that will give the customer the necessary information and help in choosing the product.
A poorly written declaration not only rejects customers but is also in conflict with the law. Croatian legislation very clearly prescribes what each declaration should contain, both generally and specifically, depending on the type of product
The basic information that must be on the declaration are:
- the name of the food under which it is sold;
- list of ingredients;
- the amount of certain ingredients or categories of ingredients;
- net amount or amount of filling;
- expiration date;
- storage and use conditions, where necessary, or if they may affect the durability of the food;
- name and address of the producer or the person who packs or places the food on the market, and is registered in the Republic of Croatia (city, postal code, address and name of the country);
- details of the place of origin, if the omission of such indications could mislead the consumer as to the true origin (the country where the food was produced or the country where the food was subjected to a technological process which substantially changed its properties; the country of origin), for regulation, country where vegetables or fruits were harvested, for fresh fruits and vegetables, country of breeding and slaughter, for meat cuts of domestic ungulates, poultry, lagomorphs (rabbits and rabbits), game and farmed game and edible by-products);
- instructions for use where necessary for proper use;
- actual alcoholic strength, for beverages containing more than 1.2% by volume of alcohol.
According to Regulation EC 1169/2011, every product placed on the market must be properly labeled.
Each EU member state may amend the said Regulation with its national regulations, and the Republic of Croatia has fully transposed the said Decree with the Food Consumer Information Act (NN 56/13; 14/14; 56/16).
Mandatory information refer to: product name, net quantity, ingredients, possible presence of allergens, method of packaging, shelf life, storage conditions and nutritional value.
Depending on the type of product, declaration informaton must also meet the requirements of regulations that relate exclusively to the present ingredient or product.
If you do not have the experience or time to check the applicable regulations relating to food labeling, it is enough to provide us with your specification or list of ingredients and we will create a declaration for you.